Monday, August 9, 2010

Strong Quiet Type

Mr. Coffee is the epitome of a girl's dream regarding the strong quiet type. He's very laid back and sweet in his own quiet, strong way. Despite some boo-boos from his the part of his life as a stray (he was picked up and held in a rural animal control), he is stunning. His markings are beautiful.

He strikes you as a wise dog with an old soul. He's only 4 years old, but something about his eyes and his demeanor tells you that he is wise beyond his years.

He's such pleasant company when he walks beside you on his leash. He enjoys looking around but is so calm. He is strong, but doesn't pull you. When I walked him the other night and started to take him back him in to the kennel, he stopped dead and told me he was not done just taking it all in yet. I gave him some time and then he went right with me back inside.

He will be a wonderful companion and friend for some lucky person. You can confide in him. I have no doubt he knows how to keep secrets.